Feeling Devilish? Try The
To this day The Exorcist stands as one of the most horrifying
movies ever made, a legendary cinematic venture that graphically portrays
an epic struggle between human lives and demonic forces. Adapted from William
Peter Blattys best-selling 1971 novel of the same name, the film
was released by Warner Brothers on December 26, 1973 and immediately played
to packed movie theaters across the country. The ensuing media blitz focused
its attention on both the movies hard-to-stomach scenes that depicted
a child possessed by the devil and the fact that author Blatty had based
the story on a supposedly real event that took place in the Washington,
D.C. area back in 1949. The film was nominated in 1974 for ten Academy
Awards (including Best Picture) and was the recipient of two: Best
Screenplay Based On Material From Another MediumWilliam Peter
Blatty, and Best SoundRobert Knudson and Chris Newman.
The Exorcist has retained a faithful following since its debut
and to date has grossed over $165 million (making it the thirteenth top
grossing film of all time), with video sales and rentals still bringing
home healthy sums.
Produced by William Peter Blatty himself and directed by William Friedkin
(who received a 1971 academy award for Best Director for the movie The
French Connection), the movie tells the harrowing tale of diabolically
possessed 12-year-old Regan MacNeil (portrayed by Linda Blair) and the
ensuing battle waged by her mother Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn), Father
Karras (Jason Miller) and the exorcist Father Merrin (Max von Sydow) to
free her soul from the devils grasp. The movie, set in the Georgetown
neighborhood of Washington, D.C., deservedly achieved its widespread notoriety
for its gut-wrenching scenes of Regans colorful exhibitions. She
vomits, curses, spins her head around and commits various grotesque acts
of blasphemy. Mixed in with her ill-mannered behavior are healthy doses
of sensational levitation and additional special effects designed to send
the weak-at-heart heading for the exits. While critics acknowledged the
films box-office power, reviews seemed equally divided between those
who loved the movie and those who hated it. The Exorcist is a
disturbing 121-minute film that leaves its audience pained, drained, and
Emphasis on Blattys inspiration for The Exorcist intensified
after the novel was released in May 1971, went to the top of the best-seller
lists, and began receiving movie offers from Hollywood. The first of many
major publications to consider Blattys literary sources was The
New York Times, which weighed in with an article by Chris Chase on
August 27, 1972 titled Everyones Reading It, Billys Filming
It. The article chronicles how director William Friedkin became involved
in the project and touches upon the fact that Blatty based his novel on
a local story of demonic possession that he learned of while attending
college. Soon after the movie achieved worldwide success, Blatty released
the book William Peter Blatty On The Exorcist From Novel To Film
(New York: Bantam Books, 1974) and filled in the gaps on how he devised
this literary project. He writes that as a 20-year-old English Literature
major at Georgetown University he spied an article in the August 20, 1949
Washington Post (Bill Brinkley, Priest Frees Mt. Rainier
Boy Reported Held In Devils Grip), that told of a 14-year-old
Mount Rainier, Maryland boy who had been freed by a Catholic priest of
possession by the devil through the ancient ritual of exorcism. For years
the notion of demonic possession stuck in his mind though he failed to
incorporate the information into his work product.
Blatty went on to become a screenwriter-author, responsible for screenplays
for several movies including A Shot In The Dark; John Goldfarb,
Please Come Home; and What Did You Do In The War, Daddy? He
began writing The Exorcist in 1969, drawing upon the material
he had discovered some twenty years earlier, and finished his project during
the summer of 1971. His creative process in researching and finishing both
the novel and movie is detailed in his 1974 book. The most interesting
aspect of this work is that Blatty tells of a letter he composed to the
priest who conducted the actual 1949 exorcism. Blatty prints a censored
version of the exorcists response, revealing for the first time the
existence of a diary kept by an attending priest that recorded the daily
events of the ongoing exorcism. Blatty writes that he requested to see
the diary but the exorcist declined. Blatty decided to ease the exorcists
anxiety and change the lead character from a 14-year-old boy to that of
a 12-year-old girl. In this book Blatty goes on to mention that five copies
of the diary were known to exist at that time: two were in the possession
of people who watched over the boy; copies were in the archives of two
separate archdioceses; and one was in the files of an unnamed public city
hospital where the boy had stayed. (It has since been determined that there
are several other copies floating around out there among private collectors.)
Blatty maintains that he did indeed eventually read the diary and based
much of his book and movie on that material, though he does not reveal
how he came upon his copy.
The Exorcist is truly a modern-day cultural phenomenon. A best-selling
novel, one of the highest grossing movies of all time, and today a household
word that instantly generates dark images of uncontrollable horror, The
Exorcist has fostered an underground cult following that continues
to embraceand attempts to tracethe storys macabre origins.
There have been dozens of newspaper and magazine articles that have tried
to tell the true story. Books, television specials, and video
documentaries on the subject have appeared, with the most recent offerings
being the 1993 book Possessed: The True Story Of An Exorcism by
Thomas B. Allen and the 1997 Henninger Media video In The Grip Of Evil.
Most of the published works on this subject are poorly referenced and offer
contradictory and even erroneous material. So much has been embellished
and fabricated that it has become nearly impossible to differentiate fact
and fiction. There is only one constant that seems to unite the biased
writers who have tried to revise this story to suit their own agendasnone
have ever actually talked with the possessed boy and none have ever interviewed
anyone who grew up close to the family in question. I always felt the real
story could only come from them.
Who Was This Possessed Kid and Where Did He Really
Inquiring Minds Want to Know...
My interest in The Exorcist tale gradually escalated during the
1992 to 1996 time period. Most of my spare hours were spent during those
years conducting research for my book Capitol Rock (Riverdale:
Fort Center Books, 1997). Consequently, for a lengthy chapter on blues-rock
guitar great Roy Buchanan, I spent a great deal of time canvassing the
city of Mount Rainier, Marylanda smallish working-class community
of approximately 8,000 residents quietly tucked away in Victorian homes
and bungalows on the D.C. line. The town was known for two things: the
home of the great Roy Buchananand the alleged site of the story behind
The Exorcist.
Indeed, ever since the early 80s local high school teens had been
flocking to what was then a vacant lot at the corner of Bunker Hill Road
and 33rd Street right in the residential heart of Mount Rainier. Believing
it to be the former site of the house where the possessed boy lived, these
Prince Georges County teens delighted in roaming the lot at all hours
of the night, drinking beer on the premises, erecting wooden crosses on
the property, and yelling and screaming until local police had to come
and chase them away. Several local newspaper accounts had set the tale
in motion and an urban legend was born.
As I logged hundreds of hours in Mount Rainier chatting with the towns
oldest residents, one unsettling aspect of the Exorcist tale continuously
reared its head. Without exception, the old-timers insisted that although
their beloved town was given credit for being the home of the Exorcist
story, the boy in question never actually lived in Mount Rainier. I found
this to be very strange, since all of the sensational material printed
on the subject placed him in Mount Rainier. Having spoken with members
of Mount Rainiers largest, oldest, and most prominent families, I
found it very odd that not one person knew either the boys name or
the names of any of his family members. Several told me that they had heard
rumors that the boy in question was really from Cottage City, a small semi-isolated
community just a short distance away. I felt I had hit paydirt when one
lifelong Mount Rainier resident, Dean Landolt (today 70 years old), candidly
told me, I was very good friends with Father Hughes, the priest involved
in that case, as was my brother Herbert. Father Hughes told me two thingsone
was that the boy lived in Cottage City, and the other is that he went on
to graduate from Gonzaga High and turned out fine. If Mr. Landolts
information was accurate it would explain why nobody in Mount Rainier knew
the boys name. I felt that a serious, thorough investigation into
this case was required to patch up the growing holes that were now so evident.
I went back and examined my files on this local subject. The various published
writings on the 1949 possession case contained a great deal of conflicting
and confusing information. Still, I felt it would be a tremendous personal
challenge to conduct this investigation from an entirely different viewpoint
and in October 1997 I began my pursuit. Unlike those who had tackled this
case before me, I decided that I would present a completely objective and
unbiased factual report on the case. In setting my investigative goals
it was understood that proving whether or not the boy in this case was
actually possessed was not on the agenda. I sought to explore new territories:
I would examine the critical elements of the case and create a factual
framework from which to work, determine who the boy was and where he actually
grew up, attempt to talk with him about his experiences, and interview
friends from his hometown who grew up with him or knew his family. None
of this had ever been done before.
Breaking the Story of the Haunted Boy
The following articles represent a large cross section of published
material on this case. A careful reading will reveal many glaring inconsistencies
in the basic story-telling, but I feel all are important for the raw data
they offer. In scanning this material from 1949 to the present day one
can discern the most common and widely believed scenario for this case
of possession. Reporters to date have claimed that the 13- or 14-year-old
boy was allegedly from Mount Rainier, Maryland. (It was later revealed
that his date of birth was June 1, 1935, meaning he was actually 13 when
the rite of exorcism was finally completed). Later accounts declared his
home address to have been 3210 Bunker Hill Road. It is said the boy underwent
a first exorcism at Georgetown University Hospital conducted by local priest
Father E. Albert Hughes (where the boy allegedly slashed Hughess
arm with a bedspring), and then underwent a final and successful rite of
exorcism by Father William Bowdern at Alexian Brothers Hospital in St.
Louis, Missouri in the spring of 1949. The road linking this information
together is a muddled trail indeed.
The media first became involved in this case when The Washington Post
ran an article on August 10, 1949 titled Pastor Tells Eerie Tale
of Haunted Boy. Written in an almost tongue-in-cheek
style by reporter Bill Brinkley, the piece tells an out-of-this-world
story of a local 13-year-old boy. The story came to light when an unnamed
minister gave a speech before a local meeting of the Society of Parapsychology
at the Mount Pleasant Library in Washington, D.C. According to the minister
the family had experienced many strange events in their suburban Maryland
home beginning January 18th: scratching noises emanated from the houses
walls; the bed in which the boy slept would shake violently; and objects
such as fruit and pictures would jump to the floor in the boys presence.
The minister, described as being intensely skeptical, arranged for the
boy to spend the night of February 17th in his home. With the boy sleeping
nearby in a twin bed the minister reported that in the dark he heard vibrating
sounds from the bed and scratching sounds on the wall. During the rest
of the night he allegedly witnessed some strange eventsa heavy armchair
in which the boy sat seemingly tilted on its own and tipped over and a
pallet of blankets on which the sleeping boy lay inexplicably moved around
the room. Curiously, the article described the minister as laughing as
he related these incidents to his audience. He admonished the boy by saying,
Now, look, this is enough of this.... The article ended by
saying that the minister called in the family doctor, who prescribed phenobarbital
for the whole family.
The Evening Star (Washington, D.C.) followed up the Posts
scoop with an uncredited article later that evening on August 10, 1949
titled Minister Tells Parapsychologists Noisy Ghost Plagued
Family. The Evening Stars account differed from the
Posts in that the family was referred to as Mr. and
Mrs. John Doe and their 13-year-old son Roland. It also
describes their house as a one-and-one-half story home in a Washington
suburb and refers to the events as the strange story of Roland
and his Poltergeist. The article tells of the talk given by the minister
before the Society of Parapsychology, and recounts his experiences with
the boy. The minister told the reporter that Roland had made two trips
to a mental hygiene clinic and that during an earlier trip to the Midwest
the boy had been subjected to three different rites of exorcism by three
different faithsEpiscopal, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic. The article
quoted Richard C. Darnell, president of the Society, as saying that Dr.
J. B. Rhine, director of the Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University,
called the so-called haunting the most impressive manifestation he
has heard of in the poltergeist field. The article ended with the
minister saying that things had been calm in the household for about the
last two months.
The Times-Herald (Washington, D.C.) joined the fray with an article
by William Flythe, Jr. on August 11, 1949 titled Haunted
Boys Parents Tell Of Ghost Messages. A basic rehash of the
previous two accounts, this piece adds that the boy lived in the Brentwood
section northeast and also tells that the family had found dermographic
messages written in a rash on the boys body. The article states that
when the messages were brought to the attention of the minister involved,
he could detect nothing more than an ordinary rash. The family
reported that the boy was taken to St. Louis, where he returned to normalcy
after experiencing visions of St. Michael chasing away the devil.
On August 19, 1949 The Evening Star (Oogopogo) featured
the article Priest Freed Boy of Possession By Devil, Church Sources
Say. As the first account to provide any exorcism details to the
public, the article opens by saying, A Catholic priest has successfully
freed a 14-year-old Mount Rainier, Md., boy of reported possession by the
devil here early this year, it was disclosed today. While names are
withheld, it is revealed that the ritual of exorcism was given after the
boys affliction was studied at both Georgetown University Hospital
and St. Louis University. The article went on to describe the exorcism
process, but offered no other significant details. The next day the same
paper ran a follow-up titled New Details of Boys Exorcism In
Catholic Ritual Disclosed, though in reality few new details were
revealed. It did cite church sources as saying that during the rite the
boy had recited a stream of blasphemous curses, intermingled with Latin
phrases. The article then recapped events that had earlier been printed
regarding the minister at a meeting of the Society of Parapsychology.
The Washington Post chimed in on August 20, 1949 with another
Bill Brinkley-authored piece, this one titled Priest Frees Mt. Rainier
Boy Reported Held in Devils Grip. At greater length than the
previous published accounts, Brinkley recounts the familys entire
haunting episode and reveals that only after 20 to 30 performances of the
ancient ritual of exorcism was the devil finally cast out of the boy. He
also tells that during the rite the youngster would break into violent
tantrums of screaming, cursing, and voicing of Latin phrases. The exorcism,
which according to Brinkley was conducted by a St. Louis priest in his
fifties who accompanied the boy for two months, was first initiated in
St. Louis, continued in D.C., and was ultimately completed back in St.
Louis. The article states that when the last performance of the ritual
was given, the boy became quiet and later reported witnessing a vision
of St. Michael casting the devil out. The exorcism ritual was completed
only after the boy had been taken into the Catholic church. It was this
article that inspired then-20-year-old Georgetown English major William
Peter Blatty to later write his novel of demonic possession.
The Parapsychology Bulletin (August 1949, Number 14), a periodical
of the New York-based Parapsychology Foundation, weighed in with the uncredited
Report Of A Poltergeist, an article that finally published
the name of the anonymous clergyman of the haunted boys family. He
turned out to be Reverend Luther Miles Schulze and in this article his
experiences with the boy were reported in detail. My own research revealed
that Luther Miles Schulze was born on July 30, 1906 and at the time of
this case served as the pastor of St. Stephens Evangelical Lutheran
Church (1611 Brentwood Road NE, Washington, D.C.).
After the Novel
When The Exorcist was released in novel form in 1971 it went
straight to the top of the best-seller lists. It didnt take long
for Hollywood to show interest, with Blatty quickly selling the film rights
to Warner Brothers for $641,000.00. When filming began in August 1972,
articles surfaced in newspapers and magazines around the country that explored
the author-producers various reference sources. Of these writings,
the most significant to appear was authored by Gwen Dobson in the November
3, 1972 edition of The Evening Star and The Washington Daily
News (Washington, D.C.). Titled Luncheon With Father John J.
Nicola, the article explains that Nicola, then 43-year-old assistant
director of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in D.C. and
regarded as one of the countrys leading authorities on exorcism,
was called upon to serve as the movies technical consultant. Details
of the entire case are recapped along with Nicolas views on the subject
as a whole. What makes the work intriguing, however, is that one unusual
piece of information surfaces while Dobson is discussing aspects of the
actual rite of exorcism that was performed on the boy. The article states,
The first priest who worked with him suffered a slashed arm when
the boy wrenched a bed spring coil loose and cut the priest. While
the name of the priest who had his arm slashed is not divulged and no further
information is offered, this marks the first time that such an event had
ever been mentioned in print.
Go to
the Movie; The 90s Resurgence.

Issue 20 of STRANGE MAGAZINE is available from the Strange Bookshop.
For further information contact Mark Chorvinsky at Strange Magazine, c/o Dream Wizards, 11772 Parklawn Drive, Rockville MD 20852, phone 301-570-7561, fax 301-570-7562, or
email strange1@strangemag.com
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