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This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. ![]() Strange Magazine Issue 23 is being published exclusively online! The online version is being created by the same staff that brought you the hard copy Strange Magazine since 1987. Strange Magazine 23 Online is packed with fresh, in-depth articles on a wide range of strange phenomena. This issue includes:
For unlimited access to Strange Magazine Issue 23 there is a one-time fee of $5.00. (Outside the U.S.: the fee is the equivalent of $5.00 US in local currency at the day's exchange rate). You may pay this by Credit Card, either VISA or Mastercard, using our Online Access Form. Within a few minutes after you fill out and submit the form you will receive an email containing your user name and password, which you can use to gain immediate access to the issue (just select the LOGIN link from the menu on the left and fill in the username and password) If you prefer, you can print out the form and, after you fill it out, including your credit card information, you can fax or mail it to us (phone number and address are on the form page). Within a day or so after we receive your form you will get an e-mail containing the username and password. If you do not wish to use a Credit Card, you may mail a check or money order and we will e-mail you your username and password with instructions for getting unlimited access to the online issue. To Purchase Access to Strange Magazine 23 using any of the methods mentioned above, click here. If you are a subscriber to the hard copy Strange Magazine, click here. |